Having A Healthy Relationship With Anxiety

Dealing with anxiety

Anxiety is the most common mental illness in the US today. Countless people suffer from it and although sometimes anxiety can be an obvious illness, most of the time you cannot tell who is suffering from it and what they have gone through. For me, anxiety is very personal as it has developed from what I have experienced and has increased since becoming ill. Anxiety is also a difficult condition to understand as no two people are the same. We are all wired differently and therefore respond in different ways. Each persons experience is almost entirely unique. However, I believe we can try to form a healthy relationship with our anxieties. I know for a fact what I am scared of - not feeling well, strong or capable when going out - the average person around me doesn't even think twice about. 

I believe challenging our anxieties is a way to conquer them. I'm not sure about you, but I personally hate having the cloud of worry over me and I don't want to live in fear anymore. I hate second guessing myself and I wish I was more confident and capable all the time. In order to eventually get there I MUST challenge and push myself. You may have to gradually work your way to a big issue with small steps, but every step forward is a step in the right direction. Even if things don't work out or go your way the fact that you consciously challenged yourself and tried is an amazing step. It may take time but you have to start somewhere! Like a tree grows from a seed, in order to become that beautiful tree you must start small by planting the seed, then tending to the plant and slowly nurture it as it grows - that's right, you must constantly reward and coach yourself

One of my favourite quotes is "Believe you can and you're halfway there" and I really believe this is true. Believing in yourself, truly backing yourself is all you need. 

Dealing with anxiety

So the next step... 

  • I know how difficult it can be to push yourself. How tempting it can be to stay in your comfort zone - to stay home where it is comfortable and easy, but this won't help you in the future. If you want to make change it is not going to be the easiest thing, you will have to push yourself. But I have done this, and I know you can too! 
  • Whatever you may be anxious about try and think about the good things related to it rather then focusing on the bad
  • Also, when you first start facing your anxieties I recommend having something with you that brings you joy, comfort or makes you feel a little more safe. For example, this might be having your phone with you incase you need to call someone, having a close friend come with you for support or carrying your lucky charm - I know this sounds cliche but it does give you a sense that you're okay. 

If anyone has any tips please share them! If you have any questions or want someone to talk to about this just leave me a comment or message me on Instagram or email me, I'm happy to help in anyway I can <3 PS. This is just my opinion and in my experience of what has helped me.



  1. Lovely and heart-warming post, dear. You are spot on. Anxiety is such a difficult mental illness and a lot of people suffer from it. I like your tips and I would encourage bit by bit to step out of your comfort zone, embrace things and activities that bring you joy and try to understand what it is what triggers anxiety in you :)

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

  2. The tips you mentioned are of great help, you don't know how many people you've inspired with this post.


  3. Thank you for sharing this - I believe honest discussions like this are the key to raising awareness and understanding of mental health topics like anxiety!

    Britt | https://alternativelyspeakingonline.wordpress.com/

  4. Hi Susie, this hit me. I have a family over there in the US , they are living in Louisiana, my relative has this kind of anxiety problem that attacks over and over again. Sometimes, we all feel this way but I really do think that it was controlling her in a negative way. Somehow, I'd like to help and as I read your blogpost, it reminded me of how I can bring support to her right now.

    1. Yes you can help! I think its important for her to realise and recognise the anxiety but if you can provide support and back up for her even just supportive messages I'm sure it will go a long way :)

  5. Great post dear..xx, Neha


  6. Thanks for the really helpful tips!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  7. Anxiety is such a hard thing to deal with. Some people think who suffers from anxiety is just "stressed out". Only someone that has felt/went through it at some point know how hard it is and the implications of it.

    Experiências e Constatações
    *I'm following :)

  8. What a beautiful article! Thanks for sharing! Xx Susanne - http://bagatyou.com

  9. Thanks for sharing this very helpful post =)

    - Cielo
    Mermaid in Heels

  10. Thanks for sharing, I also know people who suffer from it, and I do believe that sharing this has helped all of your readers because deep down we all have a sliver of anxiety. Lovely thoughts.
    Coco| pjsandstuff.wordpress.com

    1. Thank you! Yes I think we all do in some way <3

  11. What an inspiring post. Thanks for spreading positive and motivational vibes to everyone! ♥ Following your blog now, as well as on Bloglovin! Btw, if you're looking for a site to shop online, you may check out these links: https://goo.gl/glwHDg AND http://3rdshop.com?rfsn=543534.5f0016 Hope to hear from you soon! x

    Love, Airish
    Gorgeous Glance

    1. Thank you for reading :) I'm following you as well!

  12. Anxiety is something that can ruin the best moments of our life, we all should learn how to win it :)
    xx Elisa
    Francine's Place | Diy & Lifestyle

  13. Thanks a lot for this fantastic post about this very important topic. Hopefully many many people will read this!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  14. This is such a lovely and positive post! I sometimes suffer from anxiety and it can be tough to just go out and face daily life. Thank you for sharing :)

    Sarah | What Sarah Writes

    1. Yes it really can :/ Thanks for reading <3

  15. Hi Susie,
    Thank you for sharing this.....
    Very positive!
    x x x

    1. Thank you for checking out my blog! :)

  16. i agree that winning over anxiety is a great achievement of all... i personally experienced that as well..


    1. Yes! It is a hard win but very rewarding if you can, even little victories :)

  17. These are good tips - especially that quote, it's a very fitting one for your post :)

    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

    Away From The Blue Blog

  18. it's so important to talk about anxiety, great post!!


  19. Great post <3
    http://wooho11.blogspot.com/ - i invite <3 follow me-will respond with

  20. What a lovely post. Stepping out of your comfort zone is such an important message - anxiety can be so crippling, you can become trapped in your own bubble of safety. Encouraging support and focusing on the good is the way forward :)

    //teandtwosugars.blogspot.com xx

  21. Thanks for the useful tips, I like to listen to calming podcasts when I'm anxious!
    Have a lovely day :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

  22. Congratulations to this wonderful post. You found the absolutely right words for this challenging topic. Thank you so much.
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  23. A wonderful post, dear! <3
    I'd be happy friendship blogs ♥
    Julia Shkvo

  24. Great tips dear! Wonderful post!
    Would you like to follow each other? Follow me on Blog and Google+ and I'll follow you back!

  25. It's crazy how many people nowadays suffer from some sort of mental illness yet it is still a taboo subject and an illness that people are ashamed to admit having. It has taken me years to come to terms with the fact that anxiety is an illness and not something that is always within my control, and finally admitting this to myself and others was a huge step for. Being open about my anxieties rather than trying to bury them deep down has enabled me to attempt to conquer them head on. Like you say it takes small steps but each little step leads you to the top of that ladder! :) xx

    1. I am so glad your anxiety is improving and you are conquering it head on! Keep fighting :)

  26. Aww my dear honey. Belive yourself and love the world. Life is short and you must be happy <3 <3 <3

  27. I struggle with anxiety and I'm so thankful that my husband understands and is still able to love me!

    1. It really helps if someone close to you understands <3

  28. Aw, Such a great post! And I love to read them ^^
    Would you like to support each other by follow on GFC & G+?
    Please Let me know if you follow me and I’ll follow back asap!

    Love xx
    Official Seol ♥

  29. I have been living with anxiety for around 20 years now, the thing that I know for sure is to know that no one is responsable of our condition and we don't need to blame anyone for our anxiety, it's something that ourselves need to know how to treat and calm down, but for sure, our beloved ones need to know more about anxiety so they know how to handle a crisis, I love your posts! ♥


    1. Yes I totally agree! Sharing your anxieties with the people around you can really help you confidence xx

  30. So cool tips, I love it! ❤ Enjoy the day!

    Follow for follow? Please let me know!

  31. Such an interesting post! I don't have anxiety myself, though have had PTSD in the past. But recently I've noticed that I am becoming anxious in certain situation and am trying to find ways to manage this and reduce the chance it will develop into an anxiety condition. When I was dealing with PTSD, I found the third point, where you keep something that makes you feel safe, really helpful. It's a great grounding technique. Xx

    Tania | When Tania Talks

    1. It really is a helpful technique, I hope you're doing well xx

  32. Beautiful article!! Thanks for sharing! Xx Susanne - http://bagatyou.com

  33. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.....I believe everybody have ups and downs......Believing in yourself is a half way winning,

  34. I also suffer from anxiety, thanks so much for sharing this

  35. vey informative dear...



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